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Printed Map

CountDown Maps makes it easy to personalize your missionary experience through this unique map. Just enter your missionary’s name, mission name, start date, and their favorite scripture. Then email their picture to us and we’ll take care of it from there. You will receive two prints that have the state or country map divided into the number of days your missionary will be gone. The maps also include the country or state flag and charts for tracking companions and area changes.

It’s Fun & Easy

Each map is divided into the number of days that your missionary will be gone, making it easy to color in one square each day using the color markers that come with your order. You can color each area they serve in with a different color, change colors based upon companions, or both (since you get two maps with your order).

Each order includes a set of markers.

Each Order Includes

  • Two high-quality prints of your missionary map
  • One set of 5 markers
  • Countdown Maps pen
  • Instruction / Ideas Sheet
  • Pass-Along Card


  • Additional copies can be ordered at a minimal price
  • Additional set of markers

The Choice Is Up To You

You can choose what sizes you want for each of your prints. Choose small or large or get one of each. You can also order additional copies of either size. Maps will be either horizontal or vertical depending on the shape of the country or state.

Just wanted you to know that I LOVE my two countdown maps!! I have recommended them to 4 other moms already!

~ Sheri | Cedar City, Utah

We received our Countdown Maps yesterday and it is awesome! Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful way to help keep track or our missionary.

~ Jackie | California